Every Spy A Prince Pdf Download

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The book ends with a measured, open critique of all intelligence agencies.
Required reading for all interested in Middle East politics.
A book that draws you into the world of Israeli secret services, equal parts history and analysis of why Israel is a formidable force in both the Middle East and World. Understanding the Mossad and Israel's clandestine work will enable journalists and analysts alike to parse current situations in the region.The book ends with a measured, open critique of all intelligence agencies.
Required reading for all interested in Middle East politics.

Generally speaking, this is a roughly chronological account of the various Israeli intelligence agencies: external, internal and military. The thrust of the story is that, with passing years, they have become less idealistic and more mercenary. Coverage only goes through 1990, but the backgrounds given to the Pollard, Vanunu and Iran-Contra cases was of interest to me, having only read about the surface events in newspapers of the time. On the whole, the story is pretty depressing, Israel having some pretty evil partners, many of them, rather unsurprisingly, being ostensibly their adversaries.
NOTE: At times the intelligence agencies have used dogs with explosives strapped to them to blow up buildings. That is an act of barbarism. ...more

The intelligence community in Israel has been traditionally protected by a veil of censorship unheard of in a democracy. The four key agencies at the time were Mossad, the foreign intelligence service; Aman, the mil
Every Spy a Prince is an authorized biography version of Israel's secretive intelligence services, blending a public overview of the structure of this shadow world with a greatest hits version of its intelligence coups, and also some journalist criticism of the intelligence community.The intelligence community in Israel has been traditionally protected by a veil of censorship unheard of in a democracy. The four key agencies at the time were Mossad, the foreign intelligence service; Aman, the military intelligence service; Shin Bet, in charge of domestic counter-intelligence and counter-terrorism; and Lekem, a scientific intelligence agency that also managed the nuclear program. Lekem has since been dissolved and its duties parceled out across the ministries. The identities of the heads of these agencies were not allowed to be published, as just the tip of secrecy.
The early Mossad was strongly influenced by the extremist militant group Irgun. The first few decades of intelligence work saw a series of massive human intelligence wins. Israeli intelligence got the first non-Soviet copy of Kruschev's denunciation of Stalin, convinced an Iraqi pilot to defect with a then state-of-the art MiG-21, and captured Eichmann in Argentina. Day to day, the intelligence community did pretty well. Spying is a difficult game, and while agents were blown due to bad luck or sloppy tradecraft, with fatal consequences for those in Arab countries, on the whole the Israeli secret services punched above their weight.
Conversely, the 70s and 80s saw a series of alarming failures. Aman missed preparations for the Yom Kippur War, confidently assuming the Arab states would never attack. Mossad fumbled the Lillehammer assassination, killing an innocent man in Norway instead of a member of Black September. After years of ruling the occupied Palestinians through informers, Shin Bet was caught off-guard by the first intifada. And Lekem ran Jonathan Pollard, an American Jew who's spying threatened the key relationship with the United States.
Raviv and Melman close by arguing that the harsh censorship reign is absurd given that the chief of Shin Bet can throw a wild birthday bash attended by gossip columnists. The also raise warnings about the existence of a shadow foreign policy run by ex-intelligence arms merchants. While Mossad has long served as a shadow foreign ministry in countries which cannot officially acknowledge Israel, ex-Mossad agents are only vaguely controlled by the state, and their misdeeds in training and supplying dictators and gangsters reflects badly on Israelis everywhere.
Every Spy A Prince is a little scattershot, and being published in 1990, it now a historical artifact itself. Rise and Kill First by Bergman is the 21st century update. The spycraft stories are still engaging, and its a good read.

Many of the stories you can find in other books, and some of the secrets and philosophies are well-known now.
Israeli intel services were being questioned, legitimately, about their performance or lack thereof, and the book pulls no punches in identifying some gaps.
The trick that Israel repeatedly pulls off is to learn from its mistakes. That is an excellent skill for any individual or organization, and I think this has been we
I like stories of the Mossad, Shin Bet, and internally allied groups.Many of the stories you can find in other books, and some of the secrets and philosophies are well-known now.
Israeli intel services were being questioned, legitimately, about their performance or lack thereof, and the book pulls no punches in identifying some gaps.
The trick that Israel repeatedly pulls off is to learn from its mistakes. That is an excellent skill for any individual or organization, and I think this has been well demonstrated since the book's publishing.
It is interesting to read predictions from a book copyrighted 1990. One story tells how Israel, moving to preventive intelligence, was able to thwart a bomb plot for Iberian Airlines flight 888. In a sign of what was to come, Germany released PFLP-GC prisoners 14 days later.
You'll have to answer that one yourself. See the patterns. Practice sensemaking.

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Source: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/779156.Every_Spy_a_Prince
Posted by: curtcurtmagronee0269097.blogspot.com
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